Dec 28, 2016 | Board Resolutions
Ketchikan Chamber Priorities for US Delegation 12-27-2016 signedMar 29, 2016 | Board Resolutions
Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Resolution Supporting the Investment of Alaskan Public Monies in the Alaskan Economy WHEREAS, Alaska is a young state which continues to lack the basic infrastructure necessary to support development of its...Aug 13, 2015 | Board Resolutions
Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Resolution Supporting the State of Alaska and its Congressional Representatives in the Effort to Transfer the Tongass National Forest to the State of Alaska WHEREAS, the federal government owns nearly 65% of the...Jan 22, 2015 | Board Resolutions
Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Resolution to Support the Alaska Maritime Workforce Development Plan WHEREAS, Alaska’s maritime sector employs a workforce of over 70,000 skilled workers, making the maritime sector the largest private employer...Jan 22, 2015 | Board Resolutions
Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Resolution to Oppose Ballot Measure 4 WHEREAS, the Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce advocates for an increase in responsible natural resource development and supports Alaska’s strong regulatory and...Jan 22, 2015 | Board Resolutions
Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Resolution to Oppose Ballot Measure 3 WHEREAS, employers and workers, not the government, should be left to determine the value of labor, based on labor availability and its contribution to the earnings of a...