Support for Alaska Division of Forestry’s Coffman Cove Timber Sale

January 8, 2015


Clarence Clark
Alaska Division of Forestry

Re: Coffman Cove Timber Sale

I write this letter to express the Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce’s support for the Alaska Division of Forestry’s sale of 1,600 acres of land bearing old- and second-growth timber near Coffman Cove, Alaska.

Our Chamber works hard to promote economic diversity, regional growth, a climate that is good for business, a lifestyle that attracts year-round residents, and a stable, productive workforce. The existence of a timber industry supports each aspect of this mission unequivocally, and it is for this reason we believe the Coffman Cove timber sale must go forward.

The 25 million board feet of timber offered in this sale will help to sustain jobs and industry on Prince of Wales Island, a place to which Ketchikan is closely linked economically, socially, and culturally. Now more than ever, no opportunity to better the lives of individuals living in southern Southeast Alaska should be overlooked, and it is inarguable that this timber sale offers a small, but very real, opportunity.

Please note the support of our Chamber and of Ketchikan’s business community for the Coffman Cove timber sale and the potential it possesses to positively impact the lives and livelihoods of Southeast Alaskans.

Thank you for your consideration.



Chelsea J. Goucher, Executive Director
Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce
O: (907) 225-3184
C: (907) 220-2133